Back to School

Charlemagne article on the European agenda here.

7 replies on “Back to School”

“In any case, one should not expect big change from Germany. Whoever becomes chancellor (almost certainly Mrs Merkel) will perform the same balancing act: minimise Germany’s liabilities, but ensure that the euro does not break apart.” Charlemagne

Oh dear – muddle, muddle, muddle through and let the unemployed ‘eat cake’ and the present and future generation pay for the sinns of the odious sections of the financial system.

Methinks a ‘coalition of the debt_willing’ is necessary to intervene and force a policy change in the deutsche regime; and I’m not alone.

Charlemagne of The Economist in article Back to school, calls for “reform, reform, reform”, and writes “In part to tame sceptics by setting out a positive vision of Europe, and in part to create a legacy after his two terms as president of the commission, José Manuel Barroso will unveil proposals early next year for the creation of a ‘federation of nation-states’ “.

Jesus Christ is operating in dispensation, that is in the political and economic plan of God, Ephesians, 1:10, and has produced a moral hazard based peak prosperity, as is seen in the ratio of Eurozone Stocks, EZU, relative to Eurozone Debt, EZU:EU, topping out. He is terminating the sovereignty of democratic nation states, by releasing the First Horseman of the Apocalypse, the rider on the white horse who has a bow, yet no arrows, Revelation, 6:1-2, to pass the baton of sovereignty to regional nannycrats who will rule in statist public partnerships, in a EU One Euro Government, featuring a fiscal, banking, and debt union. Although Greeks cannot be Germans, thought fate, that is through destiny, they will soon be one, living in a region of economic and political governance, where the Southern EU Nations, will be hollow moons revolving about planet Germany.

Extended article on the subject by Susan Watkins in London Review of Books.

‘Vanity and Venality’

‘The EU that has emerged from this epic battle is significantly more autocratic, German-dominated and right-wing, while lacking any compensatory charm. The catastrophists, it’s true, have been proved mistaken. Far from disintegrating, the Eurozone has continued to expand: Latvia is adopting the euro in 2014, as Estonia did in 2011. Croatia joined the EU – or rather its ‘periphery’, as two sardonic Croats put it in the Guardian – this summer. But the EU hasn’t simply muddled through either. Instead, driven by the financial markets, with the US Treasury and the German Chancellery tugging at the tiller, it has lurched into a new phase of unification, characterised by the same skewed mix of centripetal and centrifugal logic that has shaped its course since Maastricht: asymmetrical integration, combined with inegalitarian enlargement.’

Poem for Seamus Heaney

In Praise of Yew at Last

“he refers to Graves”

Flaky skin-diseased tree
Glossy leaved, deep redberrried old poisoner,
Immortal hollow
source of death
protector of the dead

Big, particular presence at the graveyard
At Bellaghy

Prepare to stand over this old bowman.

Your heartwood tough to compress
And your your sapwood
refusing to stretch
made you the best wood for the longbow
A composite of yourself.

Presence of death and weapon.

I see the man
Hitching his shoulders
Against the distortion of the body
A nostril flare padded the wind,
Notched the arrow
Enjoyed the wind and the words.

You could hit any target at any range,
And yet I think,
Over the shock of the hit
You enjoyed the thrum and the thrill
Of the release and flight.

The great English weapon
You took, gentle and splendid Irishman,
And showed what could be done with it

You, yourself praised Philoctetes and the master himself, Odysseus.

What was that you said, great archer “a foot for every year”?

Christ, man. What you have done with your time?

It was magnificent.

Following tribute by Fintan O’Toole.

‘He had something to convey – especially, it seemed, to his fellow citizens. It was what his whole life as a poet had articulated with such astounding eloquence. In a speech at the National Museum in March he put it directly: “We are not simply a credit rating or an economy but a history and a culture, a human population rather than a statistical phenomenon.”

‘No one did so much to make us feel like creatures of a long-working imagination rather than figments of a short-term market.’

@ Gavin Kostick

There is a genre of euro-crisis journalism where the villains and victims are well-known to the target audience for outrage and accordingly there is no need for nuance or a need to specify alternatives to the vilified measures that Germany is seen as mandating.

Susan Watkins notes that Italy had experienced a decade of stagnation but why was Italy a victim and why should Berlusconi have been given aid to get out of a hole he helped to dig?

Diversity and dissent should be welcome in every society but the traditional role of the bohemian anti- establishment journalists, has been taken by folk who have done well from the boom and the bailout troika!

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