9th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference

9th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference

The ninth annual one day conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on November 25th in Belfast, jointly organised by researchers in QUB, ESRI, Stirling and UCD. The purpose of these sessions is to develop the link between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland. A special theme of these events is the implications of behavioural economics for public policy. If you would like to present at this event please send a 200 word abstract to Liam.Delaney@stir.ac.uk before Friday 9th September.

As well as the annual workshop we have developed a broader network to meet more regularly to discuss work at the intersection of economics, psychology, and policy. This has had five meet-ups so far, as well as some offshoot sessions. Anyone interested in this area is welcome to attend. A website with more details and a mailing list to sign up to is available here. There are currently over 200 people signed up to the network and the events have been, at least in my view, very lively and interesting. There are several more planned for throughout 2016/2017 and we welcome suggestions.

3 replies on “9th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference”

The more I read the more I am convinced that economics is not a science. It is a branch of psychology. Herding has nothing to do with reason.

Richard Thaler’s book ‘Misbehaving’ is an interesting guide as to how behavioural economics has developed . What is shocking is the antagonism and outright hostility of traditional economics, as described in the book, with noble prize winners among those unwilling to accept clear evidence that some of the most widely taught theories have little or no empirical support. Shoot the messenger is not what one expects from ‘scientists”

Ruules with no empirical support [SGP] not confined to academics or social scientists …


I would welcome a session on the behavioural economics of ordoliberal German economists …. who have never heard of Keynes let alone Germany’s rich philosophical and social theoretical traditions. One wonders what sort of pre-Enlightenment stuff they are taught ….

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