SSISI Symposium – Jurisprudence and its impact on public policy

The Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland invites you to attend the second Ordinary Meeting of its 174th session, where a symposium with the title “Jurisprudence and its impact upon Public Policy” will take place. The Society’s original object was to be the promotion of the study of statistics, jurisprudence, and social and economic science. The symposium highlights the jurisprudence aspect with a discussion of how modern laws impact upon the public policy realm, with contributions from three distinguished speakers:
Paul Gallagher SC is the Attorney General.
Margaret Gray SC QC is a specialist in European and Competition law.
Michael McDowell SC is a former Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
Given the public health guidelines, this meeting will take place online, using the Zoom platform, at 4.30pm this Thursday November 26th. To register for this webinar, please click here or copy and paste the link at the bottom of this email into your browser. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

As ever, attendance is open to all and, given the format, feel free to circulate to others who may be interested so that they may also register their interest and attend on the day.

Link for registering: