Professor Rachel Dardis, RIP

Rachel Dardis, Professor Emerita at the University of Maryland died February 23, 2021. An obituary is here. Prof. Dardis was a prolific author and mentored more than 60 PhD students during her career. She spent her academic career in the USA, starting in the 1960s with her University of Minnesota PhD. She retired in 1996 and is survived by her nephew and his two children.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

By Stephen Kinsella

Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Limerick.

One reply on “Professor Rachel Dardis, RIP”

Striking to discover that Rachel Dardis published a piece in the American Economic Review about forty years ago. (She estimated the “value of a human life” on the basis of purchases of smoke alarms; confirming the range previously established in the literature.) Certainly a notable pioneering female figure among Irish-born economists.

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