Census 2011: At Work – Employment, Occupations and Industry

Lots of interesting information on the distribution of employment and unemployment by occupation and age in this new CSO release here.

7 replies on “Census 2011: At Work – Employment, Occupations and Industry”

From 2006-2011 the number of Primary school teachers increased by 29% the number of pupils increased by 12% from 450,000 to just over 500,000.

The forecast for 2025 is for children in primary schools to increase by another 28% from just over 500,000 to 650,000.

We face stark choices in this country given the fact we cannot afford increase spending for education in the medium future. Are we going to increase class sizes amalgamate smaller schools, pay our teachers less? A mixture of all three is required I would assume?

Would be interesting to know what the average increase in real income for primary school teachers from 2006-2011 was?

It has gotten to the stage where it is very obvious some people are choosing teaching as a profession other than as a vocation. Just look at how the points have increased to be admitted to the teaching colleges.
It could be argued that a decrease in salary would actually increase the number of teachers entering the profession for the right reasons. Doubt the public sector unions will want to listen to that though.

from the press release …

The Central Statistics Office today released the latest publication in its series of Census 2011 results, showing that over 82,000 people under the age of 25 were out of work in April 2011, giving an unemployment rate of 39 per cent amongst the 15-24 age group.

40% youth unemployment projects a bleak future for those left behind ..


David O’Donnell
but see earlier post by Brendan Walsh about measuring youth unemployment

ditto DOD. Great work by CSO.
One query: is the 19% unemployment rate based on census data calculated on a different basis from the official rate which has been around 14-15% for the last eighteen months?

Yes, the ILO measurement (the official unemployment rate) does not include ‘discouraged’ workers – those who have not looked for work in the previous four weeks. The census is a self-reported measurement, so includes those who have no job, want one, but don’t see any hope of one.

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